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Observing children’s behaviours and accomplishments can reveal to us what psycho-social challenges they are currently facing.


This checklist is by no means a complete or definitive list of the ways that children display their emotional and social growth, but it can be used as a general guide to help us pinpoint the key developmental challenge they are currently experiencing.


Are they trying to develop trust in themselves and others? Do they feel sufficiently strong and worthy to try new things without undue distress? Have they found a balance between what they want and what others need? Are they comfortable displaying their mastery of new skills? Will they tackle more? Are they having fun in the process?


Understanding their current challenges helps us attune to their needs and insecurities and offer experiences that provide the appropriate context for learning and growth on the child’s part.

Here is the checklist prepared for your use. You can download, print, and complete. (It's presented in colour, but printing in black and white will also work just fine.)  Or, you can download the checklist and complete it on your laptop or desktop. 

Remember that you are not observing the child to diagnose disorders or to find problems. You are seeking insight into the child's current developmental priority so that you can provide appropriate support. The focus is on the child's needs, not any deficits you may discover. 

Father and Son
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