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I have worked to create a website experience that most adults can interact with on their own (and I will continue to find ways to make this content more accessible), but it is possible that you may wish to have a consultation to help flesh out your learning and planning to support a particular child. If so, you can contact me to arrange a virtual meeting via video or audio call or by live text. My consultation fee is $130 CAD/hour.


To make the most of this meeting time, please prepare questions in advance. These consultations are kept in confidence, and I do not keep any print or electronic records that contain personal or contact information. Your privacy is assured.

I can also offer virtual presentations and workshops to groups and organizations who wish to learn about and practice the observational approaches recommended here. Please contact me to discuss this prospect.

I would love to read any stories you wish to share about your experiences in reshaping relationships using the approaches suggested here. As I live with a chronic illness and must carefully guard my time and energy, I am not available for other interactions regarding your specific circumstances.

If you would prefer to use a paper copy for your learning, you can order a workbook here. Each one costs $10.00 CAD, payable by emt or PayPal. Send me a message, and, upon payment, I will email you a PDF. 

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